In addition to the features and bug fixes in the below posts, I also added a feature to music searches that allows users to specify words they do not want to appear in the results. Typing a minus sign in front of a word will cause the system to skip over albums that contain that word.
Complete list of updates:
- Added the global field back to the full music search.
- Music search only loads with a few search options now. There is a button to click to show the rest.
- Multiple words entered into a search field in the music search are now treated as separate search terms. This will return all results that contain those words regardless of if they are next to each other or not.
- Adding a minus (-) sign before a word in the music search will cause only results that do not contain that word to be retuned. These can be mixed with words that the user does want to be returned.
- Removed the '%' symbol from the power readings.
- Added a checkbox to toggle the color coding in program logs.
- Added the ability for users to adjust the font size in program logs.
- Fixed Javascript errors that would occur during AJAX requests from the program log.
- Fixed most IE incompatibilities in the program log.
- Updated coding so that all functions called by submitted forms in program logs are now done by a single function call.
- Pressing enter in the forms in program logs will now submit them for songs, announcements, and mic breaks.
- There is now time validation for all program log form submissions.
- Fixed some of the Javascript errors that would show up in the error console for the music search.
- Fixed error when removing a DJ from a program log.
- Sorting options for program logs only display under filter options now.
- Fixed bug in loading/saving form data on chart submission page.
- Fixed music search so that when you click an artist's name and are taken to the search, the search actually runs.
- Fixed bug in music search that caused the short description field to be ignored.
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