Friday, September 7, 2007

It turns out that the problems weren't over yesterday when I thought they were. When I got home from work, I found two more tables that were screwed up so I had XFire drop them. Luckily, they were tables that were created and scrapped from use before ELCRo ever went live.

I also was alerted of a bug that was keeping all users with 'dj' level permissions from doing program logs. What a mess that was. It was just an issue with me making a typo in a variable name in an IF statement. Fixed it up last night and released v3.0.2.
  • Stopped time display in program log from adding an additional leading zero and displaying on two lines sometimes.
  • Added college admin tool to menu system.
  • Fixed the display of the colleges in the admin tool.
  • Upped the result limit for program log searches from 100 to 1000.
  • When the active box is unchecked the program clock will no longer update when adding a new entry.
  • Fixed minor error that prevented some non-playlist songs from being added to a program log.
  • Fixed bug that was locking users with 'dj' permissions out of the program log.
I believe that there is now only one log missing from the system as well as I added the others in manually.

Now, time to start work on v3.1!

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